OUR COMMITMENT TO CHILD SAFETY Isabel Henderson kindergarten has zero tolerance for child abuse and is committed to protecting all children. We believe that a child’s physical, emotional, psychological and cultural safety is critical for lifelong learning and development. Everyone working at Isabel Henderson kindergarten is responsible for the care and protection of children and reporting all information of concern, reflecting mandatory reporting obligations.
Isabel Henderson does not tolerate:
Racism, discrimination or prejudice of any kind to anyone
The physical, sexual, emotional or psychological abuse of children, or any form of harm or neglect
Isabel Henderson has a code of conduct policy and child wellbeing policy which:
Respects the rights of the child and values diversity
Acknowledges the vulnerability of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and children with a disability
Maintains the dignity, safety and wellbeing of each child at the service
Provides a safe, secure environment
Ensures open and transparent communication at all times
Outlines continuous improvement and reflection practices of protocols and procedures in relation to child safety and wellbeing
Ensures all visitors, students, parents, guardians, staff and volunteers are familiar with child safety expectations
Outlines effective and culturally safe practices for families to raise concerns, complaints and feedback to the Director and/or staff
Isabel Henderson Kindergarten has rigorous recruitment and induction procedures which take into account child safety and wellbeing obligations. This includes screening for staff members, students, visitors and volunteers in the service. We investigate all incidents relating to child safety and take all matters raised, seriously.