4 YEAR OLD PROGRAM Monday to Friday (minimum of 3 days) Cost: $136 per day (2024)
Hours and structure of day The 4 year old program operates from 8am until 5.45pm each day. The routine of the day provides predictable and consistent opportunities for meals, snacks, rest, as well as planned group times and spontaneous play and learning. Families can choose the times of the day for drop off and collection that suits their needs, keeping in mind that children benefit from regular and unhurried routines.
Example of a typical day: 8am – 9am transition from home to kinder 9am – 10am outdoor play includes shared fruit time 10am - 10.30am group time with stories, class discussions, music 10.30am – 12pm outdoor play/inquiry investigation 12pm – 12.30pm lunch 12.30pm – 1.30pm rest/relaxation time indoors 1.30pm – 3.00pm outdoor play 3pm – 3.30pm afternoon tea provided 3.30pm – 4.00pm pack up outdoors/ transition to indoors 4.00pm – 5.45pm children transition to home
Curriculum The curriculum is developed by qualified teachers and educators, and is designed to cater for children’s individual strengths, interests and needs across the day. Drawing on detailed observations, teachers plan and design curriculum experiences which support children’s development across the five learning outcomes of the National Early Years Learning Framework (AGDE, 2022), – these include children’s learning, wellbeing, communication, identity and connection. Teachers use intentional strategies and approaches to scaffolds children’s play and thinking and evaluate learning which is then shared with children and with families.
In the 4 year old program we support children’s early literacy and numeracy in a range of ways, including whole class discussions and every day social interactions. Play is the natural language of children and we provide the time, space and adult guidance for them to develop their language skills in ways that are engaging and motivating for children to learn. Our outdoor environment provides plenty of space for children to question and make connections with various mathematical language and tools.
The 4 year old program also provides children with opportunities to build confidence, independence and resilience, and the capacity to sustain attention for longer periods of time as they progress towards readiness for more formal learning at school. The program is designed to support children's ability to think critically and be curious learners, to work alongside and with peers building relationships. We believe children are active contributors to their own learning process and benefit from periods of uninterrupted play to extend and enrich their understanding of themselves and the world around them.